
Showing posts from August, 2020

A Poem by my Friend


“Friend” each character of this magical word has a profound meaning

  “F”-“Fight,Fun,Faith”-True friends fight; inevitable. But then that are over before you even know it that end up bringing you all the more closer. Friends who are just for namesake, can let an argument go unresolved and ruin your day but your bestie would argue or fight wrathfully, then take a breather to calm down, but never leave you in remoteness. To have genuine friend is fun, be it in your bad mood or with good food, you will always find them beside or around you. “Sab theek ho jaega ” ,“milke kar lenge yaar”, “chill mar buddy” these are not only sentences, but reassurance that someone is there for you through thick and thin. They can illuminate the gloomiest moment of your life by simply cracking some illogical joke or doing some crazy act. And they can even make your special day more special just being a part of it. That’s friendship that’s fun. “No faith, No Friendship” Friendship without faith is like body without soul. A friend is someone who has more faith in you then ...